Friday 15 May 2015

El Alto - The City at the Edge of the Altiplano

Bordering La Paz, at the edge of the Altiplano, there is a city called El Alto (The High) bigger than its sister. And it continously grows. However, this growth has no urban planning, causing lots of traffic chaos. The lack of urban planning is obvious when you find broad avenues that suddently finish in a dirt pile, or every now and then long deep gutters on the street to direct the water when it rains, because they have no sewerage system. Huge street markets block the roads twice a week, where you can buy anything, literally. Fruits, vegetables, clothes, broken dolls, bottle caps, random pieces of anything...
As it is on the Altiplano, it has really awesome views over La Paz and the Cordillera Real mountains, which makes it worth a visit, during the day, because at night it is quite dangerous.
Connecting the two cities there are a couple of roads and two lines of the Teleférico, which is always a nice ride.

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